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Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Delegasi Unpad Ikuti KKP/KKN Nusantara di Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara

[Jatinangor, 02/01/2013] Indonesia merupakan salah satu kawasan penting yang menjadi pusat Kawasan Konservasi Segitiga Terumbu Karang Dunia (Coral Triangle Region). Penetapan kawasan konservasi ini mengamanatkan Indonesia sebagai daerah reservasi biosfer penting penyangga ekosistem-ekosistem penting lain di dunia. 

Upaya optimalisasi terus digalakkan dalam rangka memperkuat infrastruktur maupun kemapanan sumberdaya manusia di kawasan tersebut. Kabupaten Wakatobi, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang tepat berada kawasan konservasi dunia tersebut. Dalam rangka optimalisasi tersebut, pemerintah kabupaten Wakatobi bekerjasama dengan Universitas Halu Oleo (Unhalu) Kendari, melalui Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK), merencanakan kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Profesi (KKP)/ Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Nusantara di kabupaten Wakatobi dengan mengundang mahasiswa FPIK dari seluruh Indonesia untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian di kawasan tersebut.

Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) sebagai bagian dari civitas akademika perikanan dan ilmu kelautan di Indonesia, turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut dengan mendelegasikan 2 (dua) orang mahasiswanya, adalah Iqbal Anugerah dan Issan Septia Ilyas, dua mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan FPIK Unpad semester V ini terpilih menjadi wakil delegasi Unpad untuk mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian yang akan dimulai dari tgl 3 Januari - 29 Februari 2014 tersebut. Menurut Dr. Sunarto, S.Pi., M.Si., Wakil Dekan I FPIK Unpad, kegiatan mereka selama di Wakatobi ini akan dapat dikonversi sebagai kegiatan KKNM oleh LPPM Unpad. Lebih lanjut beliau mengatakan bahwa secara administratif Iqbal dan Issan juga sudah resmi tercatat sebagai peserta KKNM Unpad untuk periode bulan Januari 2014.

Dengan mengusung tema “Mewujudkan  Sumberdaya Manusia Cerdas, Kompherensif, Tangguh, Berkarakter Indonesia dan Berwawasan Lingkungan untuk NKRI yang Berkualitas”, kegiatan KKP/KKN Nusantara ini diharapkan mampu membawa manfaat luas bagi perkuatan dan optimalisasi pembangunan sektor perikanan dan kelautan di Indonesia, dimulai dari perkuatan aspek sumberdaya manusia. Secara khusus, pada saat pelepasan keberangkatan, Dr. Ir. Iskandar, M.Si., Dekan FPIK Unpad, dan Dr. Ir. Eddy Afrianto, MS, Wakil Dekan II FPIK Unpad, menyampaikan harapannya agar kegiatan KKP/KKN Nusantara ini bisa dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya sebagai ajang silaturahim dan membangun jejaring yang lebih luas dengan teman-teman FPIK dari seluruh Indonesia. Demikian pula Ir. Indah Riyantini, M.Si., Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan FPIK Unpad, juga menitipkan harapannya agar kesempatan yang diberikan kepada Iqbal dan Issan ini dapat ditunaikan secara optimal sebagai pionir bagi kegiatan serupa di tahun-tahun yang akan datang yang bisa diikuti oleh adik-adik angkatan mereka. 

Akhirnya, Selamat bertugas kawan! Menjadi delegasi almamater kita tercinta dalam kegiatan mulia ini, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Wakatobi. Sebagaimana yang kalian pernah katakan "dari sini mimpi kami akan dimulai", mimpi yang selaras dengan mimpi kami semua agar kejayaan bangsa kita sebagai bangsa bahari akan segera terwujud. [/muka]

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

My Publication on The International Seminar of Marine Biotechnology

In order to build an awareness that we, Indonesia, as the archipelago state have a plenty of marine resources and it still under exploration (and exploitation), The Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries (KKP) initiating an international seminar on Marine Biotechnology, inviting many researchers and decision makers (government) from Indonesia and other Asian countries to share the current issues about marine biotechnology development. This event has already held in Jakarta, September 24, 2012.

And this is the Abstract of our article that has already published there :

Modern marine biotechnology has been developing rapidly since the 1980s. There are promising and exciting achievements in biochemistry, genetics, genomics, aquaculture, bioenergy, and other related fields. Marine biotechnology clearly incorporates enormous social and economic benefits, thus providing a foundation for problems related to food as an example by ocean farming. Marine biotechnology is relatively young but reveals enormously vigorous and powerful applications. These include approaches
of marine biotechnology from genomics to marine aquaculture and from genomic engineering to ocean farming. It is best described for marine biotechnology as the use of marine organisms, at  the  whole,  cell,  or molecular  level,  to provide solutions, thereby benefiting society. With a global market valued at $2.4 billion in 2002, and a predicted  growth  rate exceeding 10% per annum over the next three years, there is no doubting that marine biotechnology represents one of the most exciting emerging technology sectors. Marine biotechnology will contribute to nearly every industry sector, from healthcare to bioremediation and from cosmetics to neutraceuticals. The time to invest in the underpinning  science, knowledge  networks, and public understanding of this major biotechnology field has now arrived.
Indonesia, as archipelago state, has a huge potency of marine bioresources, since Indonesia has a large maritime zone, consisting of archipelagic waters, territorial seas, and Exclusive Economic Zones. Although, marine sector in Indonesia is still under develop. Then, marine biotechnology industry has predicted to become one of the most important part in the development of marine sector in Indonesia launched by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The development of marine biotechnology has designed to improve the potency of marine bioresources, by adding value of the resources and formulated for food, medicine and many kinds of other natural products. The foundations for a thriving community are in place through a number of geographically dispersed centers of excellence, scientific endeavour in a number of key areas, and a small, but growing, company base. 
Empowering research and capability of the researcher had an important role in this case. Creating an inventory of marine biotechnology resources through mapping and identifying the expertise, equipment  and  other  useful  facilities of each research and development group or centre that could serve as a community. And also creating the mutual collaboration between research group, the government, as the decision maker, and industry, must be an important key to make the goal come true.
Key words : marine biotechnology, marine bioresource, research, empowering

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Publication on Jurnal Harpodon (Univ. Borneo Tarakan) Vol 5 - April 2012

Dear Colleagues,
This is the summary of my latest publication on Jurnal Harpodon (launched by Universitas Borneo Tarakan) Vol. V, April 2012 :
Bacterial deseases are seriousness problem in aquaculture. The uncontrolled of quality degradation of pond sites because of wastes and organic matters decompotition and also global climate changes has been predicted affect triggered the bacterial infections. Vibrio harveyi is one of patogenic bacteria which againts Tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). The recovery strategies has been applied both in the rehabilitation of pond sanitary and also it has been focussed in curative methods to overcome infection activities. The usage of synthetic antibiotics has been reported gift any negative effects, either for environment and rised pathogenic resintance because of uncontrolled exposure.
Environmental friendly and based on biological methods has been promoted to overcome this problem. The usage of antibacterial agents derived from natural compounds  has been recommended as an effective method. Several marine resources has been predicted as candidates of antibacterial agents againts Vibrio harveyi. Several seaweeds (macroalga) and seagrass has been explored in this research at in-vitro level of study to inhibit the activity of Vibrio harveyi. The result showed that all of the crude extracts derived from seagrass (Thallasia sp) and several kinds of seaweeds  (Padina sp, Gracilaria sp and Sargassum sp) could inhibit the growth of Vibrio harveyi from the lowest concentration level (10 µg/mL). The highest inhibition activity has been showed from the antibacterial sensitivity test of crude extract of Thallasia sp at the concentration level of 10.000 µg/mL. 
Keywords : macroalgae, seagrass, secondary metabolite, antibacteria, Vibrio harveyi