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Proudly Presented by Mochamad Untung Kurnia Agung

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Harvesting Drugs from The Sea : Challenges and Opportunities

Dear Colleagues,

“Harvesting Drugs from The Sea” : a review which explain about current issues in marine biotechnology, since many sciencetists (biotechnologists) took deep intention to explore biodiversity from the sea, looking for new natural products inside there as potential candidates for new drugs.

Ocean as the largest part of the World, has huge potency as the sources of many unique chemical compounds, and potential as tremendous candidate from new drugs. Indonesia as Archipelago State has a huge potential of Tropical Marine Resources. Since, 70% of the area are water (Ocean) (5.8 million Km2).

As naturally, marine organisms faced a higher competition in its environment than terestry organism. Secondary metabolites produced higher for survival. Marine biodiversity offer the chemical diversity, thus can developed as potential new drugs.

This enlightmently presentation could be downloaded here.

Keywords : marine biotechnology, secondary metabolites, active compounds, drugs

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Latest Publication on ISC-2011

Dear blogger,
alhamdulillah sedikit ingin berbagi kebahagiaan, akhirnya setelah lama sepi publikasi, salah satu tulisan (kompilasi hasil penelitian) saya berhasil tembus di salah satu Konferensi Internasional (International Seminar on Chemistry/ISC 2011) yang diselenggarakan oleh Dept. Kimia Unpad, tgl 22-26 Nopember kemarin.

"Screening of The Active Compounds from Seagrasses and Seaweeds collected from Pangandaran Beach, Ciamis Regency as Antibacteria Agent againts Vibrio harveyi (in-vitro)"

Berikut kalo mau lihat abstract-nya klik di sini

Doain juga, publikasi selanjutnya menyusul di Seminar Nasional Teori dan Aplikasi Teknologi Kelautan (SENTA) 2011 di ITS Surabaya, 15-16 Desember 2011
